Today, I listened to the song Better Than Fine by singer-songwriter-musician extraordinaire, Fiona Apple, and the message I gathered from it is one that I think can help those who have found themselves struggling with the creative process, be it writing, drawing, composing music, etc.
I am a huge fan of Fiona Apple and the way she so eloquently explores emotions that are difficult to put into words, ones that are not often talked about so frankly. Her music often deals with the internal struggles we have with our own minds – something those in the process of creative pursuits can surely relate to. Listening to it is a cathartic experience. And today, her song Better Than Fine reminded me of an issue I think many creative types struggle with: the feeling of not doing enough and not having something concrete to show the world.
Society seems to tell us that if a person is not constantly and consistently producing something concrete, they are unproductive members of society. It is disheartening that so much value is placed on concrete things while no value is placed on the abstract, the intangible, or the creative process. Why is taking the time to produce something creative seen as unproductive?
It is unfortunate that kindhearted and hardworking creative types often feel worthless in society’s eye if they do not have concrete work to show just yet. No wonder those pursuing creative careers often suffer from depression and anxiety. We feel like we cannot live up to society’s need for concrete, tangible success.
But there is so much beauty in the intangible things people give this world by just existing and being themselves.
Fiona took time to write and record her third album Extraordinary Machine, which Better Than Fine is featured on. Six years elapsed between the release of her previous album When the Pawn… in 1999 and the release of Extraordinary Machine in 2005. And that is perfectly fine! (Or better than fine, I should say!) The creative process takes time.
Please note this is my subjective viewpoint of the song, but my hope is that it can help in some way. So, if you are struggling today, whether you are feeling like you are not good enough, or that you do not have anything concrete to show for your efforts, or that your intangible contributions to the world are being devalued, please give Fiona’s tune a listen and let her words cleanse your hurting soul. Here are some of my favorite lyrics from this beautiful song.
If you don’t have a song to sing you’re okay
You know how to get along humming
These are some of the loveliest lyrics I have ever heard, and they relay an important message. It’s okay if you don’t yet have a completed song to sing right this moment. It’s okay if you’re still working on outlining your incomplete story, or drawing an incomplete portrait, or painting an incomplete still life, or filming an incomplete movie. It’s all part of the process. Take the time you need to work on it. Hum along and keep living your life.
If you don’t have a date
Go out and sit on the lawn and do nothing
‘Cause it’s just what you must do and nobody does it anymore
Take some time for yourself. Be with yourself, feel comfortable with yourself, love yourself. Celebrate being by yourself. I often feel guilty taking alone time, despite how much I love being alone with myself and my thoughts. But it is a necessary part of the creative process, too. Give yourself room to think. People devalue time spent alone with thoughts because others say it is unproductive, but you need this time to take a step back from your work, or heal, or regain energy. Celebrate it.
No, I don’t believe in the wasting of time.
But I don’t believe that I’m wasting mine
Not producing something immediately does not mean you are wasting your time. Others may judge you if they can’t see some concrete product of yours, but don’t let them get to you. Taking a step back, taking a break, working through the creative process slowly does not equal wasted time. Things like sitting and gathering your thoughts, looking at a beautiful sunset, and reading a book that interests you are all simple moments that help lead into those moments of creative productivity.
If you don’t have a point to make, don’t sweat it
You’ll make a sharp one being so kind
And I’d sure appreciate it
These lyrics hit hard. People don’t always appreciate the abstract qualities of others, like their kindness. You might not have a giant portfolio of things to show the world yet, but just existing as the kind person you are is enough. Never underestimate the value of kindness. You may not have all of your stuff figured out yet, but being kind goes a long way. We could all use some more kindness in this world.
Everyone else’s goal’s to get big-headed
Why should I follow that beat being that I’m
Better than fine
You don’t need to share the goals of others, and you don’t need society to tell you what you need to have in order to be successful. You make your own definition of success. Be content with who you are and what your definition of success is, and don’t feel the need to follow society’s exact definition of it. You are better than fine just being who you are.
If you were feeling down today, I hope this song helped you. Remember, you don’t need to have all of these material things to know you are successful. Embrace the in-between stages. As Fiona Apple said in her 1997 MTV Music Video Award speech, “Go with yourself.” Just be. The fact that you exist in this world is enough. Stay here and be you. Because nobody else can be you. You are better than fine.
Clara hopes to share her love of exploring cultures and inspire others through the power of storytelling. In addition to writing and travel, she loves psychology, nature, green tea, and cats.